PHP ZCE mock test, interview preparation, daily lessons under chalk talk

Friday, March 15, 2013

PHP - find biggest number in a array where array can also have nested arrays

PHP -Write a program to find biggest number in an array where array can also have nested arrays.

For example given an array like
Input : (1, 0, 6, 9, array(100, -1, 10, 7), 40, array(101, array(120, 240), 180), 200)

that can contain numbers and nested arrays containing numbers, we need to return the maximum number.

Output : 240



$inputArray = array(1, 0, 6, 9, array(100, -1, 10, 7), 40, array(101, array(120, 240), 180), 200);
echo findBiggest($inputArray);

function findBiggest($inputArray)
        static $biggest = 0;
                foreach($inputArray as $arr)
                if($inputArray > $biggest)
                        $biggest = $inputArray;
        return $biggest;


1 comment:

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