PHP ZCE mock test, interview preparation, daily lessons under chalk talk

Friday, March 30, 2012

Output of the below code?

What will be output of the below code?


a) Array(1,4,3)
b) Array(1,6,3)
c) Array(4,2,6)
d) Array(1,5,3)
e) Array(1,2,5)

Solution: b) Array(1,6,3)
Now take some time and think how we got this solution!

At first we assume that right side of = is calculated first and is then assigned to left side.
So $b[$c++] should return 5, by then $c would have reached to 2 so $a[2]=5;
and output should be Array(1,2,5)

But what actually happens is that left side of = is calculated first, and then the right B-)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Output of the below code?

What will be the output of the below code?

echo empty($a),isset($a);

a) 10
b) 11
c) Syntax Error
d) 0

Solution: b) 11
Please tell me how?